Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Various Ways To Quit Smoking Naturally

If you are motivated and determined to quit smoking there are a lot of effective ways to quit smoking. A lot of people think medication works well when used with a support group and counseling. Many people quit by using a nicotine replacement or substitute and gradually less than withdrawal anxiety. And then there are those that feel that the natural way to quit smoking is the best way. If quitting smoking for ever is in your plans, and you would like to do it without medication, there are several things you can try.

Try Going Cold Turkey

Going cold turkey is considered one of the most natural ways to break your cigarette smoking addiction, but not everyone can do it. It takes real mental toughness to quit cold turkey. It means making the decision to quit smoking for ever, and sticking to it. You can't ever think I can just have one cigarette and go back to being a quitter. It requires constant effort on your part and awareness of what triggers you to smoke to begin with. You have to find new things to do with the time that you spent smoking. When that urge hits you have to find something to do with yourself to change your thought process away from smoking and on to something else. A little trick is to clean your system out, and what I mean by this is to add more water to your daily intake. This will help to eliminate toxins in your body and give you a better chance going cold turkey.

Give Hypnosis A Try

I have known many people that have gone through hypnosis and are still not smoking today. Unlike the nicotine replacement approach, hypnosis addresses the cause of the cravings. And hypnosis implants a message in your subconscious mind telling you that you are not a smoker, you never were a smoker, and you don't intend to start smoking.
I have been through this as well and quit for 13 months, only to start back by just try one!  While hypnosis will work on a lot of people there are those that it simply doesn't work on, so it's not the end-all be-all. It may very well work for you though and let's face it whatever works best for you is a great thing.

A Herbal Solution May Be Your Answer

Research has shown that by taking an antidepressant herb such as St. John's wort may be one of the natural ways to kick your cigarette smoking addiction. A lot of times when smokers try to quit cold turkey they get depressed and anxious. The reason for this is that there is a chemical change going on in your body. 
That chemical change is a reduction of dopamine, this is a chemical that your body naturally produces. St. John's wort naturally increases dopamine levels in the brain, and when you are quitting smoking and feeling anxious the increased dopamine level in your brain will help to curb that anxious or depressed feeling.

Would you like to quit smoking today please kindly visit quit smoking cigarette

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