Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Stop Smoking Hyponsis CD

You know all the reasons why you want to stop smoking, you don't need to be lectured and yet you find it hard.

If you really don't want to give up smoking you are wasting your money using any technique. Hypnosis can help you quit but only by working with you not against you.

Some of you will listen to the CD once and that will be enough, which is great, but for most people this doesn't occur.

What usually happens is you find the CD is effective from a few hours to a few days and then you will start smoking again.

And this is where the problem lies.

The hypnosis works in the short term, suppressing the urge to smoke, then you slowly go back to smoking. You play the CD again and a similar pattern might occur.

However, there is a solution. Combine the CD with nicotine patches or any similar product and things became a lot easier. This is because you are tackling both sides of the problem. It's the combination that makes a HUGE difference to make it easier to stop smoking.

You can deal with :-

  • The psychological effects of the habit by using the CD

  • The physical effects of the nicotine through a replacement.

  • If you see a hypnotherapist in person, after the session you will probably be advised to take nicotine substitutes, but for some reason this advice is missing on a lot of stop smoking CDs

    Listen to the recording of my voice at the top of the screen.

    If you find it comfortable then buy this CD.

    If you suffer from epileptic fits or are taking strong medication please speak to you doctor before using the CD.

    The first track on the CD will explain about hypnotherapy. It tells you how hypnotherapy works and it will answer any concerns people may have.

    The CD teaches self hypnosis which can be used to help relaxation.

    The second track of my CD contains the general relaxation induction (10 minutes) flowing into the 20 minute stop smoking session.

    The remainder of the 72 minute CD contains relaxing whale music, jungle birds and the background music you hear in the induction track. These tracks are there so that you can practice Self Hypnosis, another technique to use to calm the addiction.

    Thirty minutes induction is optimum, as attention span will weaken if it is any longer. The CD should be played on average 3 times a week.

    I will not guarantee 100% cure, for that would be lying, but my CD can and has helped many people like yourself quit.

    You will also receive an online stop smoking hypnosis guide to work with the CD. This guide contains another very useful simple tip to help you stop smoking.

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