Saturday, April 17, 2010

Smokers know about it before they ever even think about quitting - the withdrawal symptoms. They've seen friends and family go through the same thing. The physical and psychological withdrawal symptoms can be a real ordeal for some quitters.

Your brain gets used to receiving this form of stimulation and will start sending out signals of craving when the source of stimulation is stopped or reduced i.e. you're not smoking at that point in time. This craving is hard to put into words. It's like your body is thirsting for water it can't have. It's a gnawing desire in the pit of your stomach for just one more cigarette. Only smokers can understand this.Quitters experience a wide range of withdrawal symptoms over and above the basic craving (although the craving in itself is more than enough to have to deal with). The fear and scare stories of these withdrawal symptoms is often enough to put more smokers off before even trying to kick the habit.

The withdrawal symptoms can be traumatic but they will not cause you any physical harm.

Here are some of the withdrawal symptoms:

    * Irritability (sometimes extreme)
    * Insomnia (unable to sleep)
    * Headaches
    * Coughing
    * Cold and flu symptoms
    * Chest infections
    * Dry mouth, lips or tongue
    * Sore throat
    * Nausea
    * Extreme tiredness
    * Lack of concentration
    * Massive increase in appetite
For more withdrawal symptoms Click Here!.The longer you smoke the more acute these withdrawal symptoms tend to be.

The symptoms of nicotine withdrawal can be alleviated with nicotine substitutes such as nicotine gum or nicotine patches.  This can help overcome the habit of smoking and it may be easier to cut down on these kinds of secondary nicotine sources than it is by quitting smoking cold turkey.  Some types of drugs (particularly antidepressants) can also be used to help lessen the symptoms of nicotine withdrawal. Obviously becoming dependent on another chemical to replace your addiction to nicotine isn't a good idea. You must always have a plan for how you're going to handle the withdrawal itself and especially a cutoff date for when you'll stop using the nicotine substitutes.

Would you like to quit if yes Click Here!.

You can also visit quit smoking fast

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